Thursday, November 18, 2010

10 years of wedded... bliss?

... I would say so.

Ten years ago today I walked down the aisle to meet my soul mate. I vowed to take him as my husband, to have and to hold, from that day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do us part.

We definitely have had our ups and downs, but we have been able to talk through anything. We are as different as night and day. I'm a strong-willed loudmouth who doesn't let ANYTHING slide. I'm way too proud and self-centered. He is the complete opposite. He's a sweetheart and soft-spoken most of the time. He hates confrontation, and will let anything go if it means avoiding conflict. Do we fight? All. The. Time. OK, so it's mostly me fighting with him about something that he did or didn't do. Or didn't do the right way... OK, my way.

Honestly, I don't know how he puts up with me. But somehow he gets me. He knows exactly what to say and how to say it so that we can resolve all our issues. He is definitely my best friend. There's nothing that I can't talk to him about. If you ask him, he'll probably tell you that I talk too much, but he still listens to me, even when I go on and on...

So today I sit here, ten years later, completely prepared to say those vows again before God and my family, when we renew our vows this Sunday at church. I'm ready for the next ten years, and couldn't have asked for a better partner to share them with.

Now what to get that special person in such a special occasion? I was searching the Internet for the anniversary gift lists; there are 2 lists: traditional and modern. For 10 years, the traditional gift is tin/aluminum, and the modern gift is diamond jewlery. So if I'm a modern gal, which I believe I am, he can get me diamond jewlery - I'm not picky, any kind of jewlery will do. And if hubs is a traditional man, which he definitely is, I can give him a six-pack of beer? Ya, that seems fair...

Here's to 10 more years!


  1. !That is so sweet! !Congrats!

  2. Congratulations! That is so awesome. My hubby is like yours, soft-spoken and hates conflict. And I am the stubborn loud one!

  3. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Zelma and Carlos G Lopez, Zelma. Zelma said: New blog post: 10 years of wedded… bliss? #mommy #anniversary #dad #family #mom [...]

  4. Ha! Even more that we have in common, I like it!

  5. congratulations! you look beautiful :)

  6. Oh, congratulations on the anniversary! The years start passing so quickly! My hubby and I will celebrate our 30th next year!
    Hopped over from twitter!

  7. Oh that's awesome! I hope to still celebrate my 30th anniversary with the same enthusiasm that I'm celebrating my 10th. I'm pretty sure I'll make it :)
    Thanks for stopping by!

  8. [...] it’s not pretty. If you want to know more about how I feel towards him, read my last post, 10 years of wedded… bliss? I just read it before starting to write this, and I’m still crying like a little girl. Please [...]
