Monday, January 3, 2011

Tackle it Tuesday 5: The Laundry Surprise

Last night I decided to do lil man's laundry, because it had been a couple of weeks since I had done it. Yes, you can judge all you want, but lil man has tons of clothes, so I can afford to do his laundry every couple of weeks.

Anyway, as I was emptying out his hamper in the washer, the last of the clothes dropped unexpectedly with a loud "thump". I thought, clothes don't make a loud sound, do they? So I decided to investigate, and dug into the washer to see what had dropped in there.



"You remember lil man's pair of blue sneakers that we can't find anywhere?"


"Guess what I just found in the bottom of the laundry basket?"



"No way!"

"Well, I guess we solved THAT mystery!"

There's never a dull moment when you're a parent.

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

If you have a Tackle it Tuesday post, link it here for others to see!

Thanks to the ladies at 5 Minutes for Mom for creating Tackle it Tuesday!


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Carlos G Lopez. Carlos G Lopez said: “@zelmarl: New blog post: Tackle it Tuesday: The #Laundry Surprise #mommy #lilman #linky #mom” true story! [...]

  2. Ah yes. Children, they're one big surprise after another!

  3. I find strange things in the laundry, too - and it's not always in my kids laundry either. Missing house keys in my pants pocket is a regular find! I have to do my laundry once/week - I can't face the huge heap of clothes from 2 weeks worth!

  4. Oh thanks! It was my first "big" surprise, other than random stickers on shirts. Meh!

  5. Yes they are! It's my first "big" find in the laundry basket. :)

  6. Yikes! Maybe not keys, but I've found money in my pockets. Major fail!

  7. Thanks for the support! It was my first "big" find! LOL

  8. Thank goodness you found them! Things turn up in the least expected places.

  9. i'm the same way with my boys laundry. do it when they run out of clothes... glad you solved that mystery!

  10. Thanks! We were going crazy trying to find those sneakers. :)

  11. Yes they do! Until now, I had only found stickers on T-shirts.
