Friday, August 20, 2010

Zelma's Bakery: My Brownies

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="White and Dark Brownies"]White and Dark Brownies[/caption]

You may have wondered why my Facebook page is titled "Brownies and More by Zelma" and yet I keep calling it "Zelma's Bakery". Well the story behind it is very simple: it's the first thing that I sold, and at the time, my imagination was non-existent. Besides, I never thought it would become a long-term thing, much less that people would actually be interested in anything that I baked!

You see, last year, when lil man started preschool, I noticed that there were many holidays and special occasions where I would need to buy gifts for his teachers and classmates. Since I am extremely cheap and a horrible shopper (that's a story for another day!), I decided that a good alternative was baked goods, so I started taking classes at the local cake supply store.

One day, Vanessa, a coworker and one of my closest friends, asked me for a dozen of my "White and Dark Brownies" that she had heard me talk about. I posted a pic of those brownies on Facebook and people liked them!

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Heart-shaped Fudge Brownies"]Heart-shaped Fudge Brownies[/caption]

At first, Vanessa and her mom were my only paying customers, and I was happy to bake for them. Every time I took a different class - cupcakes, cookies, etc. - I tried out the different recipes at home and posted the pics on Facebook. That's how it all started! Pretty soon I had friends calling me for cakes, cupcakes, cookies, and tons more.

It wasn't until I started getting calls from strangers that I thought "hey, I might have something here!" That's when I realized that the name "Brownies and More by Zelma" was silly. People kept asking me why I had named it like that, and after having to explain the whole story about a dozen times, I decided to change the name. However, my brain was still drawing a blank, so I ended up with the simple "Zelma's Bakery". It's not very catchy, but it does the job. I actually kinda like it now, and it goes with my blog "Zelma's Workshop", so everything worked out. :)

What do you think? Do you like it? Not? Maybe? Suggestions? Sound off below, I would love to read your feedback!


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Zelma, Zelma. Zelma said: New post: Zelma’s Bakery: My Brownies [...]

  2. Hello Zel, Hope all is great. Actually I did ask myself why the variation of names. Then again I though you were picking your brain with "name ideas". To tell you the truth I never doubted that what you were doing would eventually become what I call " The snow ball effect" of-course with rather than a dangerous outcome one of success.

    I really liked the "Brownies and More by Zelma" and the story behind it explains it very well, the foundation of how it all started. -But that's just me ... Be it "Brownies and More by Zelma" or “Zelma’s Bakery” I wish you The best success :D

  3. Thanks Sue! I'm still keeping both names, although I hope it doesn't confuse people even more.
    My recent post Zelma’s Bakery- My Brownies
