Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Wordless Wednesday 2: Puerto Rico!

Those of you who know me know that I'm very proud of the little island that I call home: Puerto Rico. Its nickname is "La Isla del Encanto" or "The Isle of Enchantment", and it completely lives up to its name. The downside to living here is that if we want to "get away", the only ways to do it are hopping on a plane or boarding a ship. The upside? There's TONS of beautiful places to go right in our backyard.

Last year we took lil man to El Morro, the most famous Spanish fort in Old San Juan. He just loved it, and I hope you enjoy some of the pics too!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Arriving at El Morro, very excited!"]Wide view of El Morro[/caption]

For you Disney fans, you'll notice that this is where they shot the last scene of "Wizards of Waverly Place: The Movie". Actually, the entire movie was shot in different parts of Puerto Rico!

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="Mama & lil man"]Mama & lil man[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption="View from inside the fort"]View from inside the fort[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Showing off our 3 flags: Puerto Rico, USA & Spain"]Showing off our 3 flags[/caption]

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Checking out one of the "garitas" inside the fort"]Garita[/caption]

If you have a Wordless Wednesday post, link it here for others to see!

Here's the fun thumbnail linky:
Here's the text linky:

Thanks to Resourceful Mommy and 5 Minutes for Mom for introducing me to Wordless Wednesday.

Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday.


  1. I'm so jealous! Looks like fun and what a great experience for your son to get to explore these area's.
    My recent post mOmma Modern Feeding for Babies

  2. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Zelma, Zelma. Zelma said: New post: Wordless Wednesday: Puerto Rico! [...]

  3. What a fantastic trip! So pretty there and I love the way his orange shirt make him pop out of the photos. Great job!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday &amp Wordful Wednesday Road or Street

  4. Beautiful. Looks like a great time. Thanks for sharing and linkin up for WW!

  5. I just love the pictures of him by the flags! Such a cutie!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday 8-17 - Its a Hard Life

  6. What wonderful pictures. It looks like a lovely place.
    My recent post Linky Love

  7. Thanks! I hadn't noticed that but it does look pretty :)
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday- Puerto Rico!

  8. I know, me too! That one and the last one both look like postcards!

  9. I'm livving vicariously through your pictures! I've always wanted to go there!! Looks like a lot of fun!
    My recent post Wordless Wednesday- Jersey Shore
