Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Tackle it Tuesday 7: Gettin' busy at the bakery

I wasn't going to post any Tackle it Tuesdays this week because I thought "well, I really haven't tackled anything worth posting. *sadface*

But then I realized, heck, I've been PLENTY busy at the bakery! THAT's why I haven't been able to do stuff around the house. So I might as well post what the EFF I've been doing all week!

So here goes. The week started with a cake for a friend's birthday. She wanted black with fuschia dots. The drinks were my idea, because, obviously. What do you think? Nice, huh?

Pink Dot Cake

I also received a call from an old classmate from high school. She writes for a local parenting magazine - which is pretty awesome, actually - and told me they were planning a birthday edition to celebrate their own first birthday. They were doing a "faux-bithday" bash at a local playground and needed cupcakes. The theme was jungle animals, which gave me room to work with plenty of colors. Here are the cupcake toppers I made for them:

Jungle Animal Cupcake Toppers

And here are all the cupcakes on display at the table:

Jungle Animal cupcakes

Oh, and she also mentioned they needed kids, so she asked if Lil man was available to participate. Umm... OF COURSE!! He had a blast. Here is him playing soccer with a balloon:

And here is him having fun before the cake pictures:

OK, so my house is a mess, but I still kept plenty busy! Happy tackling!

Tackle It Tuesday Meme

Thanks to the ladies at 5 Minutes for Mom for creating Tackle it Tuesday!


  1. Those are great cupcakes. What a fun idea to have a party for the family magazine. That is a great connection to have. You will have to advertise in there ;)

    Thanks for visiting me. Stop by again anytime.


  2. Wow, our cakes are amazing! Those cupcake toppers are beautiful! I'm a baker, too (though not professional!) but I'm not a good decorator -I'm very impressed!

  3. I love your cupcakes! Too cute!

  4. That cake is wonderful and such a great idea to add the drinks. As for the cupcakes...WOW...and your little man is gorgeous.
