Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Walt Disney World - Day 5: Hollywood Studios and Departure

*** Join me as I blog my way through Walt Disney World with Hubs and Lil man. Go to my home page to find more posts of my journey. Enjoy!

6:30am - Stupid alarm clock goes off. Worst morning of the trip, packing the bags to go home. Of course, the bags won't close because I'm carrying twice the shit I brought in. I don't need another reminder for hubs that we spent too much.

[caption id="attachment_661" align="alignleft" width="224" caption="Late, sleepy, and all bundled up"][/caption]

8:50am - Ya, so our breakfast reservation is RIGHT NOW and we're just getting off the bus at Hollywood Studios. When we get to the main street, it's packed full and we can't get through to the restaurant! Turns out they're doing the park opening so there's no way through until they "open". Drats!

On a related note, I wasn't able to see but was able to listen to the "ceremony" that they do to open the park and it sounded fun! Will try to make it next time we're here.

[caption id="attachment_662" align="alignright" width="225" caption="He loves Handy Manny"][/caption]

Hollywood & Vine - We're finally at our table. This is my fave character breakfast, mostly because it's the one lil man enjoys the most. The characters don't just go around the tables saying hello and posing for pictures, but they also put on a dancing show every few minutes, and all the kids join in, so fun! This part we haven't been able to participate in yet because lil man is so shy that he doesn't want to go up with the other kids to dance with the characters. All he does is sit in the sidelines and watch. The second time around he took our camera and started taking pictures of everyone. He felt much more at ease. Still, no dancing.

[caption id="attachment_663" align="alignleft" width="224" caption="Waiting in line for Toy Story Mania"][/caption]

Toy Story - So we get to the FastPass distribution kiosk at 10:30am and it's for 6pm... 6 freaking PM?!?! Oh, and the stand-by line is 70 minutes, lovely. Since we have a feeling the line will get worse as the day progresses, we risk it and go in. Spend about 35 minutes in line. Someone should really check those timers more often.

Shops - Hubs wanted to take lil man to the Muppet show, so I decided to do some shopping. Told hubs that I was going to buy one or two things, and ended up with $57 worth of merchandise. Does that count as a big purchase or a small one? Don't ask hubs, I already know his answer to that one.

Pizza Planet - We have been asking lil man all day if he wants to go to the Tower of Terror, seeing as he loved it so much last time, but every time, he says no. Me: "so what do you want to do?" Lil man: "Nothing, I want to go home because the vacation is over." OK then. Well, as we're leaving Pizza Planet with no time to spare, he decides he wants to play more video games at the restaurant. We say no, because we have to leave for the airport, and he loses it. Starts crying and screaming that he doesn't want to go. Dude, you've been saying all morning that you want to go home, what the eff? We strap him to the stroller - against his will - at this moment he's on full meltdown mode. First one of the trip! Safe to say that our ride back to the hotel was not a happy one.

Hotel - We're waiting for the Magical Express bus to take us to the airport, and I'm making some last-minute purchases at the hotel shop. Lil man already had his time-out, but he looked so sad that I decide to buy him a tiny "2010" airplane that he had liked before. I melt every time his mood lifts and he's happy again. What can I say? I'm a Mom.

Magical Express - The bus ride to the airport was much smoother. He's happy again, playing with his airplane.

In Flight - Tried the stupid free Wi-Fi again, and this time it worked! Started tweeting from my phone, and everything's great... until we leave Florida. As soon as we're flying over water, the Wi-Fi drops. Are you freaking kidding me? I say a few choice words under my breath, and turn off my phone.

We had bought a sandwich on the airport for lil man to eat on the plane. He started eating, and halfway through we see him closing his eyes... while chewing! With the sandwich in his hand! It was sooo funny. After a few more bites, hubs took the sandwich from his hand, and he just collapsed. This has been a short, but very intense trip. I'm glad we did it, but we're all exhausted. Now to plan the next one!

Oh, shut up, hubs!

-- Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.

P.S. - This post was originally published remotely from my BlackBerry. Upon returning home, I added pics and links. Hope you enjoy reading!

Check out my other posts here:

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