Friday, October 8, 2010

Tropical Fashion Faux Pas?

For those of you who don't know, Puerto Rico doesn't really have seasons. We get 75-85 degrees F during the "winter", or at least from mid-December to February, and the rest of the year we get 85-95 degrees F. However, from June to November it's Hurricane season, which can get really intense from August to October. Actual Hurricanes are very rare here, but we do get many Tropical Depressions, Waves, and general low pressure activity, which means tons and tons of rain!

For example, in the past 2 weeks we've had like 3 different Storms, Depressions and Waves pass close to us, and that has meant rain, rain, rain! Take a look at some pics I took from my car:

[caption id="attachment_399" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="This was taken yesterday afternoon on my way to Mom's house. That's hubs' car in front!"]Puerto Rico clouds1[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_400" align="aligncenter" width="225" caption="This was taken this morning driving down my street"]Puerto Rico clouds2[/caption]

Now, all this rain doesn't mean that it's cold, but it does lower the temperature SLIGHTLY, let's say about 5-10 degrees F. This means that people will still wear shorts and sandals even though it's pouring outside.

It's been raining so much lately and I was tired of getting my feet wet every time I stepped out of the house, so this morning I got fed up and decided to cover myself up. I put on long leggings (which I rarely use) and my "winter" booties that I only wear about once or twice a year. They looked super cute and comfy, at least in my opinion.

[caption id="attachment_398" align="aligncenter" width="223" caption="Cute booties or just wrong?"]Cute booties or just wrong?[/caption]

Don't worry, I didn't go overboard with my wardrobe, I wore a short-sleeve tunic over that, because let's face it, it wasn't really cold, just wet.

So I took lil man to school dressed like that. I was so happy and comfy because I didn't have to worry about the rain, or stepping in the water. However, when I walked back to the car, I began to notice all the moms looking at me. At first I didn't know what was going on, because I had forgotten what I was wearing, but as I kept walking I noticed one of them was actually looking at my shoes! I looked around, and sure enough, all the moms had their umbrellas out, but were still wearing shorts and sandals! For a slight moment, I felt super ridiculous. Apparently I had committed a fashion faux pas and I hadn't even realized it. Are we allowed to wear boots in the Caribbean? Maybe if I had worn jeans and sneakers I wouldn't have looked so out of place.

Then again, I'm not a jeans and sneakers kind of gal.

What do you think is most important: fashion, comfort, or blending in, even if it means getting my feet wet? Sound off below!
UPDATE: Upon reading my post, I received this comment on Twitter from a fellow Puertorrican. I think it proves just how wrong I was! LOL
RT @JeanessaPR: @zelmarl hahahaha. Love the boots but to me it´s a bit shocking to wear them in broad daylight. But I sure wear them, cute!

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