Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Wordless Wednesday 3: Rock Band!

Seeing as I'm a classical choir singer and my hubby is a rock singer, it was only natural that lil man grew up liking music. Rock Band has been awesome cause we get to play with different instruments, and even sing!

Clearly I don't fit in very well in this environment (wrong genre), but I'm improving my bass-playing skills!

Here is a Rock Band jam session with Grandma, uncle & cousins. Enjoy!

[caption id="attachment_286" align="aligncenter" width="224" caption="Lil man playing the drums"]Lil man playing the drums[/caption]

[caption id="attachment_287" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Family jam session"]Family jam session[/caption]

If you have a Wordless Wednesday post, link it here for others to see!

Here's the fun thumbnail linky:

Thanks to Resourceful Mommy and 5 Minutes for Mom for introducing me to Wordless Wednesday.
Thanks to Uisce for creating Wordless Wednesday.


  1. So cute. Looks like fun! Happy WW!

  2. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Zelma, Zelma. Zelma said: New post: Wordless Wednesday: Rock Band! #wordlesswednesday #dad #lilman #music [...]
