Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Power of One: Week 2 Recap

Well, it's been two weeks since I joined the Sisterhood of Shrinking Jeans and started my new journey to weight loss and exercise. So far I haven't seen much progress, but this week I feel satisfied about my accomplishments. Sure, I didn't lose a whole lot of weight, but I finally started doing things right, and found the discipline and motivation to keep at it.

Let's see what happened during my second week:

Last week’s weight: 194.2

This week’s weight: 193.7

Weight lost this week: 0.5 lbs (OK, so it's not even a pound, but I'm OK with it. Read on.)

Total weight lost so far: 1.7 lbs

Total weight to lose: 63.7 lbs

First Goal: 10 lbs (Nope, not there yet.)

Accomplishments from last week:

  • I worked out! Wanted to do 4 days of 30 Day Shred and only did 3, but I also did yoga.

  • Kept a food log. I like the way My Fitness Pal keeps track of everything you eat, exercise, and even your weigh-ins, but it doesn't have a mobile app for my Blackberry, so I'm not using it to track my food. I'm carrying around an old-style notebook and pen. I didn't actually change my eating habits very much, but the fact that I was writing everything down kind of kept me in check to not overeat.

  • I definitely drank more water than diet coke, but I don't think I reached my 8 glasses a day.

Setbacks: Like I said before, I didn't change my eating habits too much, only the portions and snacking, because of my food log. So I shouldn't be shocked by my lack of weight loss. But that's OK. For some reason, I'm feeling OK with this, and am now motivated to really make some changes.

Goals for this week:

  • Drink more water. I bought a cute 24oz. bottle that has an intake tracker, so if I drink 3 of these bottles a day, I should be good.

  • Eat more protein & veggies and less sugar

  • Keep up my 30 Day Shred workouts. Do at least 4 days this week.

So there you have it. Not a wildly successful week, but at least I'm motivated to keep it up and make more changes.

Here's to a different week than last!

Power of One Challenge

Created by MyFitnessPal - Nutrition Facts For Foods


  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Zelma, Zelma. Zelma said: New blog post: The Power of One: Week 2 Recap #weightloss #diet #exercise #fitness [...]

  2. This is great! You will be making a lot of progress.
