Mom, wife, IT consultant, social media rookie, Disney lover, part-time choir singer & part-time baker (custom cakes, cupcakes, brownies, cookies, etc)
OK, so mom to my 3 1/2-yr old son & wife for almost 10 yrs are my 2 main "titles" right now - it's who I am & who I never thought I'd be.
IT consultant is my full-time job which pretty much pays the bills but nothing more - it doesn't fill me the way it used to.
Social media is a new area that I kinda stumbled upon due to the fact that I like to meet new people. I still don't know exactly what it means & how it fits into my life, which is why I specified "rookie".
Disney is one of my passions. I was a cast member for the Puerto Rico store when it first opened in 1992 & was hooked on their philosophy & traditions.
Choir singer is another passion of mine. I have been studying music & singing in classical, professional choirs since I was 6. Kinda retired now due to my new "mom" duties, but still sing in weddings (the ceremonies, the classical parts).
Baker is my new venture. I started taking classes with my lil one in mind, you know, for teacher gifts, school activities, etc., but some people actually wanted to pay me to do more stuff, so it's now my part-time job. I love it but I'm still starting out with only a handful of clients & a growing amount of materials, so let's just say that my numbers are still on the red side.
So that's me in the longest version of a nutshell that I've ever seen! Can someone balance so many different "sides" to them & still be sane? That remains to be seen. Stay tuned, I can't wait to find out!